关于「 Neutral」的内容列表

The Federal Reserve is being forced to adopt a neutral stance, and there may be no opportunity to cut interest rates at all in the future... Click to view...

The Federal Reserve is being forced to adopt a neutral stance, and there may be no opportunity to cut interest rates at all in the future... Click to view...

2025-02-24 03:28:15
The Panic and Greed Index today stands at 50, with a neutral rating

Today the Panic and Greed Index is at 50 and the rating is still neutral. Note: The Panic Index threshold is 0-100 and contains indicators: volatility (25%) + market volume (25%) + social media popularity (15%) + market research (15%) + bitcoin share in the overall market (10%) + Google hot word analysis (10%).

2025-02-16 00:01:40
ECB Governing Council Member Nagel: As we move closer to neutral interest rates, the approach of gradually raising interest rates becomes more appropriate.

ECB Governing Council Member Nagel: As we move closer to neutral interest rates, the approach of gradually raising interest rates becomes more appropriate.

2025-02-12 17:30:56
Federal Reserve Chairperson Powell: The neutral interest rate has risen

Federal Reserve Chairperson Jerome Powell said he believes the neutral rate has risen beyond the very low levels seen before the epidemic.

2025-02-11 17:16:37
Today's Panic and Greed Index is 50, with a neutral rating

Today's Panic and Greed Index is 50, with a neutral rating. Notes: The Panic Index threshold is 0-100 and includes indicators: volatility (25%) + market volume (25%) + social media popularity (15%) + market research (15%) + Bitcoin's share in the overall market (10%) + Google hot word analysis (10%).

2025-01-11 00:06:22
MPOB's December monthly report is more neutral. Will palm oil rise in the afternoon?

Golden Ten Futures Special New Lake Futures Comments: At noon today, the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) released the official supply and demand data of horse palm in December. The data shows that the production of Malay wool palm in December was 1.487 million tons, a decrease of 8.3% month-on-month, in line with market expectations. Exports 1.342 million tons, a decrease of 10% month-on-month. Previously, the agency estimated that exports would decrease by 7% month-on-month, and the actual expo...

2025-01-10 04:53:31
Fed officials lean towards "neutral" policy, but expect policy clarity under Trump

Federal Reserve officials are taking a "neutral" policy stance, pointing to strong economic performance and waiting for more clarity on Donald Trump's policies. "I expect the coming months to provide clarity on the incoming administration's policies and the continuation of inflationary pressures in 2024," Fed Governor Michelle W. Bowman said in a speech in California on Jan. 9. Bowman's speech and Kansas City Federal Reserve President Jeff...

2025-01-10 06:38:11
Goolsby: The neutral interest rate is expected to be around 3%, and he hopes to find a point to stop rate cuts next year

On December 7, Federal Reserve Goolsby said that the state of the U.S. economy will determine the pace at which the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates in the future, but he added that he hopes the Fed will be able to find a point to stop rate cuts by the end of next year. "I hope the situation continues to develop so that we can get closer to the range of neutral policy," Goolsby said. While he did not specify his estimate for the neutral rate, he said it is around 3% (well below the curren...

2024-12-06 18:57:34
Powell: The Federal Reserve can remain cautious in its search for a neutral interest rate

Powell said the Fed will gradually move towards a more neutral interest rate over time, and although downside risks are lower than expected, the Fed can remain cautious in its search for a neutral rate. U.S. inflation is not yet on target, but it is still making progress. U.S. unemployment remains at very low levels. The September rate cut is a strong signal to support the labor market.

2024-12-04 19:58:36
Federal Reserve Governor Paul Waller: There is still "a long way to go" in the process of lowering the policy rate to a neutral level, and rate cuts are expected to continue in the next year.

Federal Reserve Governor Paul Waller: There is still "a long way to go" in the process of lowering the policy rate to a neutral level, and rate cuts are expected to continue in the next year.

2024-12-02 20:17:11
Federal Reserve Kashkari: Cutting interest rates in December is a reasonable consideration

Mr. Kashkari said a rate cut in December was a reasonable consideration. The neutral rate could be higher and policy constraints less stringent. Geopolitical risks are the top consideration for the economic outlook. There was no comment on the Treasury nominee. The administration is needed to put the US on a sustainable fiscal path.

2024-11-25 23:44:15
The Federal Reserve Goolsbee: will continue to refer to the September dot chart, and should slow down when approaching the neutral interest rate

On November 16, the Federal Reserve Goolsbee said that we will consider interest rate cuts with reference to the Federal Reserve's September dot plot. Personally, I would prefer not to move straight towards the neutral rate, but to slow down when approaching the neutral rate. The neutral rate is significantly lower than the current level of the Federal Reserve's policy rate. Everything is always on the table in the Fed's policy calculus. He also said that the inflation data must continue to impr...

2024-11-15 19:09:53
Federal Reserve Chairperson Jerome Powell: Policy will be gradually adjusted to a neutral level, but the policy path is not predetermined.

Federal Reserve Chairperson Jerome Powell: Policy will be gradually adjusted to a neutral level, but the policy path is not predetermined.

2024-11-14 20:00:54
Federal Reserve Barkin: The Federal Reserve will have to fumble towards a neutral interest rate

Barkin said the Fed would have to find its way to a neutral interest rate, depending on whether inflation stabilised. There may be more cost pressures in the future, and it is good to take a prudent approach.

2024-11-14 15:18:34
Federal Reserve Musallam: There may be room for gradual easing of policy towards neutral interest rates

Mr. Musallam said there could be scope for a gradual easing of policy towards neutral rates and that stronger data could be behind the rise in Treasury term premiums. Data since the last policy meeting suggest the economy could be much stronger than expected. Inflation data were equally strong but have yet to change the view that policy is moving in a neutral direction. The latest CPI data was "in line with expectations" but would prefer to see support on the three-month basis of the data...

2024-11-13 22:18:06

7x24 快讯

05:16 2025-03-15
《Vitalik:以太坊的故事》将于4月15日上线Apple TV和Prime Video
加密纪录片《Vitalik:以太坊的故事》将于4月15日在Apple TV和Prime Video正式上映。该纪录片讲述了Vitalik Buterin及以太坊社区在推动开放互联网发展过程中所经历的挑战与探索。
04:55 2025-03-15
04:40 2025-03-15
Ethena 宣布与 Initia 合作,稳定币 USDe 代币将接入 Initia 生态
据 Initia 社交媒体披露,Ethena 宣布与区块链网络 Initia 建立战略合作,其稳定币 USDe 将接入 Initia 生态。 此次合作包含三个主要方面:一是将建立激励性的 INIT-sUSDe 原生流动性对,提供 Ethena 奖励、INIT 质押奖励以及流动性位置的交换费用;二是 Ethena 将为使用其资产作为核心组件的 Initia 生态系统应用提供奖励,包括 Cabal、Echelon 和 Rave 等全栈应用;三是 Ethena 将投资 Initia 生...
04:34 2025-03-15
港亚控股董事会大变动,新任 CEO John Riggins 拥有超 10 年加密行业经验
港股上市公司港亚控股 (1723.HK) 宣布新任命包括董事、董事长、首席执行官、首席财务官和首席信息官在内的一系列董事会及高管职位。新任 CEO John Riggins 表示,该公司董事的全面变动已结束,亚洲最重要的市场即将迎来大事件(₿ig things)。公告显示,新任 CEO John Riggins 于 2013 年毕业于阿拉巴马大学,获商业管理学士学位,主修国际经济,辅修中文。Riggins 拥有超过 10 年的加密货...
04:21 2025-03-15
Global Client Advisory旗下RTAC-I向美SEC提交S-1表格拟公开募股并投资加密货币和区块链
金融顾问公司Global Client Advisory宣布旗下附属公司Renatus Tactical Acquisition Corp I(“RTAC-I”)已向美国证券交易委员会提交S-1注册表格以进行首次公开募股,据悉所得资金将用于支持加密货币和区块链业务,据悉RTAC-I是Global Client Advisory新成立的一家特殊目的收购公司。
04:00 2025-03-15
金色午报 | 3月15日午间重要动态一览
7:00-12:00关键词:OpenAI、WLFI、Chainlink 1.OpenAI向美国政府提交信函攻击DeepSeek; 2.CryptoQuant:比特币需求自去年12月以来持续减弱; 3.WLFI澄清:华尔街日报和彭博社报道不实且有损加密行业; 4.“Hyperliquid 50x巨鲸”开设40倍BTC空单,仓位价值1.6亿美元; 5.约5小时前,Chainlink季度解锁1900万枚LINK,约2.62亿美元流入市场; 6.美国肯塔基州参议院全票通过一项保护比特币自...
03:54 2025-03-15
03:51 2025-03-15
03:42 2025-03-15
基于比特币的去中心化链上借贷协议Templar Protocol完成400万美元Pre-Seed轮融资
基于比特币的去中心化链上借贷协议Templar Protocol完成400万美元Pre-Seed轮融资,Robot Ventures、Digital Asset Capital Management、Proximity Labs、Blackdragon Capital、NEAR Protocol等参投,新资金将支持其构建多方计算 (MPC) 网络和开源智能合约,以支持使用比特币或其他资产借入美元(通过稳定币)。
03:27 2025-03-15
Base生态项目Henlo Kart发现HENLO合约漏洞,代币24小时跌逾96%
Base生态游戏项目Henlo Kart表示,“已对所有HENLO持有者和LP头寸进行快照。在HENLO合约中发现了一个漏洞。团队正在寻找解决方案。Henlo已撤回所有团队代币的LP。从当前LP头寸中移除的所有流动性都将重新存入新的LP头寸。” Henlo Kart代币HENLO在过去24小时跌逾96%,市值暂报10.6万美元。HENLO市值曾在1月14日达到9200万美元。
03:06 2025-03-15
Paradigm宣布基于Reth推出一个完全验证的无状态以太坊节点Ress(Reth Stateless),磁盘要求为14GB。Paradigm表示,无状态节点不仅对改善以太坊的去中心化至关重要,而且对扩展L1gas限制、扩展optimisticL2以及实施Native Rollups以改善L2生态系统的安全性和互操作性也至关重要。从Reth v1.3.1开始,Reth现已原生支持Ress RL Px子协议。
02:57 2025-03-15